Our Products
Herrick Grapevines is dedicated to delivering the best products. We offer different options to our clients that will adjust to their growing needs.
Dormant Benchgrafts
Dormant Benchgrafts are grafted grapevines that have been planted in our nursery fields during April and May. These vines grow during the summer and go dormant in the winter to get ready for harvesting in December.
Dormant vines can be used as replants as well as larger vineyard projects. To have optimum results, these vines should be planted February through April. Material is limited and we highly suggest placing your order one year in advance
Dormant Rooting
Just like grafted vines, Dormant rootings are rooted vines which have been planted in an outdoor nursery row in the spring. These vines can be planted and then budded or field grafted at a later time with the desired variety. For best results, plant between Feb-April. We recommend to place orders for this product at least one full year in advance.
Green Potted Vines
Green potted vines are grafted grapevines planted in a plastic pot allowing large roots systems for faster growth in the vineyard. These vines are greenhouse grown and acclimated to the full sun before shipping. Green vines can be used for replants as well as larger vineyard projects. The best time to plant is May to August. Fall plantings are also possible, however, special care from an experienced grower is required.